The 2023 Raytheon Technologies Invention Convention U.S. Nationals were held June 7-9, 2023 at The Henry Ford in Dearborn, Michigan, attended by hundreds of young inventors from Invention Education programs from all across the United States. We are so proud of ALL the inventors from the California Invention Convention who earned an invitation to Nationals! Their inventions demonstrate the best of creative thinking and practical follow-through and we congratulate them.
Seventy-nine (79) inventors from the 2023 California Invention Convention were invited to the 2023 U.S. Nationals and 74 were able to attend . For 5 of our students, there were date conflicts and they were unable to compete. Only those who attend the Invention Convention Nationals in-person are eligible to be considered for any awards or to be invited to the Americas event. However, our inventors representing the California Invention Convention who were able to attend had an inspiring and fun time at the National event.
Some of our inventors attending Nationals earned awards– special Congratulations to these students!! They are listed below and in the adjoining columns in alphabetical order, along with the name of their award(s) and the name and a short description of their project in their own words. Also, a number of these students were invited to attend the Invention Convention Americas 2023 – the culminating event of the National conventions held in Mexico and the United States.
Be sure to scroll down to see pictures of some of California’s young inventors at Nationals.
Invited to Invention Convention Americas 2023 -Anant Arora – (2 Awards) Industry Award: Energy Presented by ITC Holdings Corp and Invention Process Award: Best Logbook for his invention Human Powered Energy Harvester. which is a device that harvests our human motions and movement driven by kinetic energy into usable electricity. It solves several problems:
• Running out of charge: It helps you charge your devices on the go without being dependent on battery power.
• Motivates you to stay healthy: The more steps you take the more electricity you generate.
• Environmental pollution: It helps generate a clean alternate source of electricity.
• It helps reduce the strain on the electric grid.
Invited to Invention Convention Americas 2023 – Avish Banerjee – Global Change Accessibility Award for his invention PRO-SAFETY (Preventive Risk Observation And Safety Alert Technology For Industry) designed to prevent/reduce the occurrences of construction site injuries due to environmental heat exposures, collision with approaching objects, overexertion and slips/falls or trips. Sensors and coded micro:bits detect the following and sound alarms warning workers so that injuries can be prevented/reduced:
1) Environmental heat exposures, 2) Approaching objects. 3) Overexertion and 4) Slips/falls and trips
Chloe Barraza and Sofia Flores – Grade 7 Award: 3rd Place for their invention Stall-O-Gap-Eliminator which gives needed privacy while using public restrooms. It covers the gap in public restroom stalls and shows others that the stall is occupied.
Anish Bhethanabotla – Grade 10 Award: 2nd Place for his invention Retivision – An Advanced and Economical Method for Precise Fundus Disease Detection via Retinal Imaging and Deep Learning. Retivision solves the problem of inadequate early detection of diseases. The device is a system that utilizes non-invasive fundus photography and deep learning to predict various diseases with high accuracy. Retivision is highly accessible, and ensures that patients can undergo the examination quickly and comfortably. Additionally, the device is economical, costing $150, which makes it an accessible solution for early disease detection. One device can be reused for multiple patients and can help thousands.
Invited to Invention Convention Americas 2023 – Ethan Chung – Industry Award: Sports, Games & Toys for his invention Transforma-Tee. The Transforma-Tee helps solve the problem of athletes facing different weather and temperature conditions while in the middle of play, and being unable to quickly change. Athletes usually have to be in proper uniform with their jersey showing, and cannot wear jackets or sweaters during a game. But sometimes, games can take hours and players experience changes in the weather or gym temperature, making them feel too hot or too cold. The Transforma-Tee allows them to easily modify their uniform to suit playing conditions.
Invited to Invention Convention Americas 2023 – Charlotte Cook and Charlotte Wright – Grade 7 Award: 1st Place for their invention Becoming Aware. Many kids don’t know if they have mental health disorders until they’re older, and they are just called fidgety or unfocused. For kids faced with mental health challenges, it can often feel lonely and hard. Our app Becoming Aware solves this problem by educating kids through games about common mental health challenges people face. (Our app includes disorders/challenges such as anxiety and depression.) It also provides kids with simple ways to cope with their stress, and ways to privately communicate with their teachers and licensed therapists on the app about any of their problems or concerns.
Invited to Invention Convention Americas 2023 – Jack Driscoll-Natale – (2 Awards) Patent Application Winner and Specialty Award: Connectivity Presented by Raytheon Technologies for his invention H20 Monitoring For All: Solar Powered High-Frequency Water Quality Monitoring Device with Direct Continuous WiFi Data Uploading. The ability to closely monitor and analyze the health of our waterways easily, affordably, and in a timely manner is the problem my project takes on. I designed and programmed a water quality monitoring device that continuously samples for three key water health parameters and sends the monitoring data in real time to an open access website I created.
My device and website provide the public with water health data that is easily accessible, accurate, timely, low cost, and solar powered. Overall, my device and website can serve as a “canary in the water” alerting the public to real time trends and threats to water health.