

Welcome Parents!

Your child is participating in a special kind of science fair known as an “Invention Convention”.  This project is designed to promote your child’s problem solving ability and creative thinking skills.  Your child will think of a problem s/he wants to solve and in the process of solving that problem, s/he will invent a new product, improve an existing product, or develop a new method for doing something.

The first step is coming up with a problem that needs to be solved. Your child may ask you if YOU need something to solve a problem.  Your interest and encouragement at this stage will help make this an enjoyable learning experience for your child and all those involved in the scientific process.

Once your child has settled on an idea, s/he completes an Intent to Invent form, signed by you and returned to the student’s school.

You can support your student in the following ways:

  • Try to refrain from nagging your child to finish the project. Set up a calendar with deadlines so your child can self-regulate their responsibilities.
  • Allow your child to make mistakes and use these mistakes as a learning opportunity.
  • Set aside time for your child to rest and recharge even if deadlines are approaching.
  • Encourage your child to ask for help – but don’t do the entire project yourself.

Have Fun and Encourage Fun!

  • The process of inventing should be rewarding and fun for both you and your child.  If it stops being fun, take a break and come back to it!!
  • If you can, attend the local Invention Convention and experience the excitement and energy of these young inventors — and if your child is selected to go to the California State Invention Convention, support him/her as best you can.

Learn about California Invention Convention.

"Kids Inventing Their Future"