Independent Inventors

(NEW THIS YEAR) – An Independent Inventor must have completed registration including pictures and documentation no later than MARCH 26th. The April 2 date that is in the materials is for those students from participating schools or after-school programs.

Many of the young inventors who have participated in the California Invention Convention in the past have not been affiliated with one of our registered schools or after-school programs.  They are Independent Inventors – and several have been very successful both at our event, as well as at the National and Global Conventions.  So we welcome you!

You will follow all the same registration guidelines, as well as Requirements and Restrictions as all other students with a few exceptions which are noted in the registration instructions.

Registration links:

An invention log of your invention journey (what is the problem? how did you come to your solution? what research did you do? what kind of testing did you do? etc. etc.) is required. The Invention Log used in the classroom is available for you to download as a Word document and fill in as you go through the invention process. A completed log is required in order for you to participate in the state Invention Convention. Note that instead of teacher sign-off, you would have your parent or guardian sign-off. We also have available a Guide to the Invention Log that you can use.

The biggest difference for Independent Inventors is that their invention and supporting work needs to be reviewed in order for them to be accepted as participant in the California Invention Convention.  Shortly after submitting a complete registration, the inventor will be notified if the invention has been accepted into the event.

"Kids Inventing Their Future"